
General Chairs
Barbara Chapman, U. Houston
Vivek Sarkar, Rice U.
Program Chair
John Mellor-Crummey, Rice U.
Program Committee
Pavan Balaji, ANL
Megan Cason, DOD ERDC
Daniel Chavarria, PNNL
Brad Chamberlain, Cray
Guojing Cong, IBM Research
Alan D. George, U. Florida
David P. Grove, IBM Research
Paul H. Hargrove, LBNL
Costin Iancu, LBNL
Laxmikant V. Kale, UIUC
Jeffrey Kuehn, ORNL
Craig Rassmussen, LANL
P. Sadayappan, OSU
Mitsuhisa Sato, U. Tsukuba
Steven Seidel, Michigan Tech
Sayantan Sur, Intel
Vinod Tipparaju, ORNL
Abhinav Vishnu, PNNL
Brian Wibecan, HP
Hans P. Zima, JPL
Publicity Chair
Yonghong Yan, U. Houston
Steering Committee
William Carlson, IDA
Tarek El-Ghazawi, GWU
Lauren Smith, DoD
Kathy Yelick, UC Berkeley
Important dates
Full papers: July 29, 2011
Notification: Aug 29, 2011
Final papers: Sep 26, 2011
October 15 - 18, 2011
Tremont House, Galveston Island, Texas, USA
Deadline for Early Conference Registration and Discounted Hotel Rate: September 24, 2011
Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming models offer HPC programmers a shared address space model that simplifies programming
while exposing data/thread locality to enhance performance. This facilitates the development of programming models that can deliver both productivity and performance. The PGAS conference is
a forum to present and discuss ideas and research developments in the area of PGAS models, languages, compilers, runtimes, applications and tools. Papers, posters and demos are solicited in
related areas, including but not limited to:
Applications: New innovative applications that are uniquely enabled by the PGAS model, existing applications that can take advantage of the
PGAS model, effective application development practices for PGAS codes, and comparative performance of applications over various programming models.
Models and Language Development: Extensions to the PGAS basic model. New PGAS languages. New models and language extensions to address new
architectures, such as multicore, heterogeneous, and reconfigurable processors.
Tools: Integrated Development Environments, performance analysis tools, and debuggers.
Compilers and Implementations: Compiler optimizations for PGAS languages, low level libraries, memory consistency models, hardware support
for PGAS languages, performance studies and insights, productivity studies, and language interoperability.
The Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) Programming Models Conference is the premier forum dedicated to the presentation and discussion of
research work in this field. Papers should report on original research, and should include enough background material to make them accessible to the entire PGAS research community. Papers
describing experiences should indicate how they illustrate general principles; papers about parallel programming foundations should indicate how they relate to practice.
PGAS 2011 will be held during October 15-18 on Galveston Island, Texas, following PACT 2011 (October
10-14). PGAS 2011 tutorials and workshops will be held during October 15-16, and the main conference will be held during October 17-18. PGAS 2011 conference attendees may also be interested in attending
the PGAS-X workshop to be held on Friday, October 14th as part of the PACT conference.
Galveston Island is a 45-minute drive from Houston Hobby airport, and offers a number of indoor and outdoor attractions.
The conference hotel for PGAS 2011 is the Tremont House, located near the Strand in the
historic part of the city.
All submissions must be made electronically through the submission
link. Abstracts must include contact information, the full list of authors and their affiliations, and a summary description (100-300 word abstract) of the anticipated content of the paper. Full papers
should follow the ACM SIGPLAN style and be no more than 10 pages in length.
Papers must be submitted in PDF format and must be viewable by Adobe Acrobat Reader. Selected PGAS 2011 papers will be published in a special issue of the Parallel Computing journal.
Conference Program Schedule
Student Travel Grant Application
Conference Registration
Hotel and Transportation